Puntland State University
Puntland State University Founded 2004. Address: Bosaso Tel: +252 05 846167 Email: registrar@puntlandstateuniversity.com Website. http://puntlandstateuniversity.com
Puntland State University Founded 2004. Address: Bosaso Tel: +252 05 846167 Email: registrar@puntlandstateuniversity.com Website. http://puntlandstateuniversity.com
Benadir University Founded 2002. Address: KM5, Hodan, Tel: 0618 58995 / 0615 920297 Email: info@benadiruniversity.edu.so Website: www.benadiruniversity.net
Islamic University Founded 2001. Address: KM4, Hodan, Tel: 0615 573015 / 0615 519983 / 061 5564709 Email: Info@islamicuniversity.so Website: www.islamicuniversity.so
University of Hargeysa Founded 2000. Address: Hargeysa Tell: 00252 2 634476488 or 00252 2 634420513 Email: contact@hargeisauniversity.com Website: http://huniversity.net
Somaliland University of Technology Founded 2000. Address: Hargeysa Tell: Emails: drsaeed@somalilanduniversity.org Website: http://somalilanduniversity.org
University of Science and Technology Founded 2000. Address: Howl-wadag District Tel: 0615 988060 / 0612 000088 Email: Ol.mugadishu@ust.edu Website.www.ust.edu
East Africa University Founded 1999. Address: Bosaso Tel: 00252907792003 Email: info@eastafricauniversity.net Website. www,eastafricauniversity.net
SIMAD University Founded 1999. Address: Warshaddaha Road , Wartanabadda Tel: 0699 924646 / 0615 728626 / 0615 225943 Email: Info@simad.edu.so / registrar@simad.edu.so Website: www.simad.edu.so
Amoud University Founded 1998. Address: Boorame, Tel: : +252634454004 Email: : info@amouduniversity.org Website: http://amouduniversity.org
Darul Culuum University Founded 1998. Address: Black Sea, H/wadaag, Tel: 0615 87341 /0 699 455771 Email: darululumuniversity@hotmail.com Website: www.darululumuniversity.com
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